Good morning, Digdoug, topical, use your concordance for a specific word, the original{hebrew, or greek] will be explained, and all the references will be given to see how God uses the word. You will find that very same word will many times be translated and used differently. Example ,love, our english word is translated from three different greek words [new testiment], and of course will have three different uses. Knowlege is also translated from the original, in several ways. ect. Expository , [verse by verse] by using the cordance, the reader can extract exactly what God has preserved for man to apply. I encourage you in this because, while there are manny manny excelent forums or studies , many times they can be bias to what man thinks about what God has spoken. What ever you choose, the key to studying God's Holy word is , it must be applied to be of any increase, James 1;22. I very much want to be an encouragement to you, as you encouragement me by your attitude to study God's word. Hope this has been a help, plsm 126;3