sasquache said:
Hello Tesoro users First i would like too say WOW I'm really impressed with the Cortes
Coming from and using most other brands i have too say it is a top notch detector pros's> for me are the light weight and well balanced,the screen is easy too use visually,excellent target separation,the back light is awesome,easy setup and go,all metal is great,easy all metal ground balance, excellent target identifier 95% accurate!.
We all have to like the detectors we use or we just are not going to be satisfied. You are one of the rare ones as we very seldom hear a lot about people who like the Cortés. I am one of them who don't because, for me, it just lacks the versatility I need and is heavier than I care to handle with my bad back and health issues.
Also, noting your 'likes,' I'll add my didn't/don't likes and that is the display is very small and difficult for aging eyes to see.
The numeric display bunches too many higher-conductive targets.
The Notch Disc. setting were not/are not very useful with todays types of "pull-tabs' because most of the rectangular-shaped tabs [size=small](I've never seen a "square" tab as they refer to in the manual)[/size] have conductivity values that just about duplicate the US 5¢ coin. The 'wide' notch selection is supposed to also reject the higher range for screw caps and modern US Zinc cents, but that also includes most Indian Head cents and many early Wheat-Back cents from 1909 to about 1920. I also have a modern rectangular pry-tab that my oldest son and I got from a tot-lot playground in Utah this past July that reads
exactly like a Zinc cent on every make detector that has checked it out.
sasquache said:
Cons are> need a bigger DD coil,
Curious why you want a bigger search coil, and also why you want a bigger Double-D coil and not a bigger Concentric coil?
sasquache said:
I found the Cortés to have ample depth of detection in most of the sites I hunted, as long as the search coils used and Disc. mode Ground Balance combined to make functional performance. That can be the challenge.
sasquache said:
I admit I like the Pinpoint button on my Silver Sabre [size=small]micro[/size]MAX, but I get along just fine using the All Metal with the mode-change toggle selector.
sasquache said:
I am glad most makes and models removed the Volume control as it is easily adjusted, if needed, with a quality set of headphones. What type do you use?
sasquache said:
other than that i am Happy with this unit
That's the important part.
sasquache said:
is there any suggestions on a coil?
Yes. IF the standard 8X9 search coils works well, and if there is no falsing when hunting in very mineralized ground, and if you can sweep over a silver US dollar or half dollar and get a good audio response, then just use the stock search coil.
Why do I say that? Because there are several Tesoro models through the years that have some glitches in the circuitry design with s preset GB in the Discriminate mode, and the Cortés is one of them. I was hoping the Cortés was going to be a serious competitor, and I followed some of the reports I got while the prototype was being evaluated afield. When it came out, as a Tesoro Dealer, I thought I better get one in.
With an MSRP of $849 it was right up there in the ball park with the White's XLT and other top-end models, but fell way short on the features it offered and adjustment abilities it had.
I hunt trashier sites the bulk of the time and rely on smaller-size search coils. I had some friends who were inter3ested and they hunted places like sports fields and big grassy parks and were curious how it would perform with "larger coils" and their desire, like yours, was "more depth."
I took my Cortés and other favorite Tesoro's I had [size=small](an 'original' Bandido, Silver Sabre µMAX, Bandido II µMAX and Eldorado)[/size] and assortment of search coils to several places to check out the performance. I used sports fields, big 280+ acre parks, torn-up sidewalk repair, two ghost towns, and three other places where the ground mineral conditions were quite challenging. I tried it in some Utah sites, Eastern Oregon, and in the greater Portland, Oregon area.
Search coils used included the stock 8X9, round 8" Concentric, 7" Concentric, Clean Sweep and a 10X12 Concentric as well as my Super 7" Concentric coil from a Shadow X2.
Results: The Cortés worked okay in all but one very mineralized rocky environment with the stock 8X9 coil in the Discriminate mode where the preset GB was too negative and it falsed a lot.
With all other search coils used and compared at all the sites, even in the soft grassy parks in Salem and Oregon City, Oregon, the detector falsed quite a bit in the Discriminate mode, the cause being a too negative Ground Balance. I couldn't find any location where the 10X12 Concentric or CleanSweep coil could be used without falsing.
I called James, when he was at Tesoro, and explained the problem one of his Dealers was having with the Cortés and sent it in for service and specifically asked for the internal GB trimmer to be adjusted to function with more search coils as it was much too negative. I included a note describing the issues and sent an e-mail to him. I also called, again, and asked for it to be corrected. While it was off for service I got with a fellow who had a Cortés and wanted an accessory search coil. We tried several coils and only found one that would work on his unit most of the time, unless he got over higher mineralized ground.
When I got it back it was unchanged and still falsed a lot. I wanted to use my smaller-size Super7" coil on it because I hunt trashier sites, so I opened it up and located the Disc. mode GB pot. I adjusted that GB trimmer with all of the coils I had tried before until I got it to at least work passably with the bigger 10X12 and CleanSweep and still be functional with the other coils. I then mounted my Super 7" and used it successfully without any problems.
But I also found that with a functional GB setting for all the coils it was just a bit too positive foe some coils and, while I still detected big silver coins, it seemed to lose a little depth of detection from a too positive GB, but that was needed to get the bigger coils to work w/o being too negative. I soon sold the Cortés and some coils to a fellow who lived in a very mellow ground mineral environment back in the central states and haven't missed it.
So, my suggestion to you is if you want ANY accessory search coil for the Cortés, I would encourage you to find a local dealer or seller where you can try the coil on your particular unit. Test it in both modes over dirt, grass and rocks. Set the Disc. level at minimum and bob the search coil towards and away from the ground and even use an asphalt parking lot as many are fairly mineralized. Bob the coil from about 6" to ½" and back up several times, if it falses on the up-lift, that's an indication the Disc. mode GB is set too negative ...
at least for that search coil.
NOTE: I don't have an issue with the brand as I love my favorite Tesoro models, but I haven't had good experiences with this particular model. I know others who experienced the same frustrations with the Cortés.[/size]