Wow great hunt. I traveled 20 minutes out of town for about a 2-3 hour hunt. I drove right past my first intended spot and ended up asking to do a 150 year old house down the road. I dug up a 1929 wheat and a 1928 buffalo, then a 1928 merc. Theres gotta a be more coins there, id need 5-6 hours to find most of it. So i pushed down the road and hit a community center\old school site. I had 20 minutes and i zigzagged eratically at first and stumbled upon the 34 quarter only 2 inches down. I then worked the area more methodically and didnt come up with much else. I ended up with more old coins than clad. The guy i was with has a fisher czx something, i think maybe a step down from the coinstrike. He ended up with a couple wheats though i never saw them. I take him to good researched public spots and he's really good at aproaching private owners for permision. The nice thing is he's old enough to be my dad and that helps when getting permission. It makes people less inclined to say no. AAAw isnt it sweet hes treasure hunting with his son.