The explorer measures two components of the target. They are:
#A. CONDUCTIVE - How well does the target conduct electrical current.
#B. FERROUS - How well does the target conduct a magnetic field.
Having made the determination about each of these two target components, then the Explorer II has to inform the hunter about the target characteristics.
There are two ways that the Explorer II presents target information to the hunter.
#1. Tone ID gives the hunter information about either the conductive or ferrous component of the target. Which tone you hear depends upon whether you are hunting in the Conductive of Ferrous mode.
#2. The screen presents the information about both components at the same time.
#2.1 The Digital screen gives the hunter the informaiton in numerical form such as 3 27 where the 3 represents the ferrous component and the 27 represents the conductive component.
#2.2 The Smart screen gives the hunter the information in graphical form by placing the cursor in a particular spot on the screen
#2.3 Regardless of which screen the hunter uses, the information presented is the same, but just in a different format.
#3. Now we are ready to talk about the discrimination process. The hunter tells the Explorer II that they do not want to be notified for a certain group of "bad targets". One way that this can be done is in the Edit mode by painting a certain portion of the screen black.
#3.1 Once the black portion of the screen has been established, then one can either return to the Smart screen or the Ditital screen. From then on, the Explorer II will do the following if the target falls into the "bad targer" classification (discriminated out region):
#3.1.1 TONE ID - The Explorer drives the tone ID into the null state.
#3.1.2 SCREEN DISPLAY - Information conveyed on the screen
# In the Smart screen the cursor will be left in the position of the last "good target". For example, suppose that the coil was swept over a dime (a "good target"). The cursor will be placed in the dime position. Suppose that the the coil is next swept over a "bad target". Now the cursor will not change position, but will remain in the dime position. Only when the coil is swept over a different (not a dime) "good target" will the cursor change position. The bottom line is that the Explorer only gives a hint of the "bad target" by the null in the earphones.
#3.1.3 In the Digital screen the hunter does not see any "blacked" out region of the sreen, but the discrimination process is still active. With respect to the update process of the screen information, both the Digital and Smart screens are the same.
#4. Now for the Iron Mask behavior. I consider that the Iron Mask process is just another way to paint part of the screen black. This special discrimination allows one to draw the black portion of the screen from left to right as one increases the degree to which targets with greater amounts of ferrous componts are rejected.
I hope this is not too confusing.