Odds are the city may be scooping up Down Town snow and dumping it some place.. You want to find these snow dumps.. They may have been used for years, and will have quite an assortment of good stuff..Also, they can be searched during the winter....detectors work in cold weather. If you had some clay dust, wood ash to put on the sunny side, you can concentrate the items by causing the snow to melt more rapidly,,...Was taking Dan around to show him some spots.A snow dump site was a place we visited...Dan starts walking down the field road, looking at the ground, and didn't even notice the buck, head down watching him...Biggest little buck I've seen, about the size of a German Shepard with horns..That little guy wasn't giving an inch, so we left..What you do in the Winter is up to you, sitting still, watching TV and drinking beer are not my options..Cordially NAD