......................... to sell your Gold DON"T !!!!!!!!!!!!! You will be underselling it greatly. I know a major Gold buyer who says all the TV and Internet ads are in a great push on the "urgency" to sell your Gold now!! Do you think the Gold buyers are in a hurry to buy your Gold before it goes..........down in price??? He intimated to me that all this "Bernanke funny" money and "Bailout Bucks" will really start to hit near the end of Sept 2011 and on. Gold will most likely hit $2000.00+ an oz. Silver is up 70%so far....... and same goes for it keep it don't sell....... now. If the United States dollar loses it's reserve currency status the sky will be the limit. This may happen, major players such as China, Russia and the Arab Oil powers have held Secret meeting where the U.S. was not invited to discuss the demise of the U.S. dollars role as a reserve currency. Serious times ahead............keep your insurance policy (gold/silver) intact. I'll see you in October when I will refer to this posting and we'll see what transpires. This is my good deed for the day. Thanks for your attention. PS Gold price today $1380.00 .