hey there vintage metal detector buffs: Kelly-Co often touts that they've been in the business of selling mail-order detectors since 1955, right ? Supposedly the company's founder got hold of a Korean War era mine detector, after the Korean war. Ie.: upon returning home to the states, used his skills/knowledge of having used a mine detector during that conflict, and reasoned that a surplus machine ought to be able to find coins back in the USA. And apparently it was capable of finding coin-sized objects. Eventually Kelly-co was born out of that.
So my question is: If kelly-co dates back that far, then is there catalogs of theirs, that date to these earlier years ? It would be interesting to see what machines they offered for sale, at such early times.
Anyone know ? Anyone from kellyco reading this to tell us what your own archives have that date back to these earlier times of your company's existence ?
So my question is: If kelly-co dates back that far, then is there catalogs of theirs, that date to these earlier years ? It would be interesting to see what machines they offered for sale, at such early times.
Anyone know ? Anyone from kellyco reading this to tell us what your own archives have that date back to these earlier times of your company's existence ?