a Bad day
again remnd me
about this post
Took the dog to the park a few blocks from here
for a run ..Across the park was a guy in a wheelchair
. i walked over to see how he had done..We
talked about 1/2 hr He said this was a good year he had
found almost $38.000 in coins and a few rings ..
h e said tha finding was easy the DIGGING was a bit tuff tho
and then he laffed .. Hes from the central part of the state
here visitng family.. he said at home his son uses an
ACE250 and always does the digging he had a Whites
wiht a modified lower shaft and coil.. he can really find stuff with it ..
What im saying is he was having fun and doing well by HIS standards
which are all that really count in the end..
True story too unreal NOT to be true
I never did ask what happpned to him but i dont
think it matters anyway
Rangers Lead The Way

about this post
Took the dog to the park a few blocks from here
for a run ..Across the park was a guy in a wheelchair

talked about 1/2 hr He said this was a good year he had
found almost $38.000 in coins and a few rings ..
h e said tha finding was easy the DIGGING was a bit tuff tho
and then he laffed .. Hes from the central part of the state
here visitng family.. he said at home his son uses an
ACE250 and always does the digging he had a Whites
wiht a modified lower shaft and coil.. he can really find stuff with it ..
What im saying is he was having fun and doing well by HIS standards
which are all that really count in the end..
True story too unreal NOT to be true
I never did ask what happpned to him but i dont
think it matters anyway

Rangers Lead The Way