The banks in my area won't carry all (or sometimes any) of the new issues. I'm having a devil of a time just trying to stay up with the presidential series because the banks have a minimum to order and not everyone wants them. The last time I asked I think the young lady told me that they had to order a minimum of 2,500 dollars worth of gold dollar coins to get them and then they would only "sell" about 2 or 300 dollars worth so they end up having to pack them up and resend them back to the federal reserve. Basically it wasn't worth their time. THEN, being here in the far East.....if you wanted to get the Denver minted coins, there was no way you're gonna find them here in Florida so you either had to trade with someone or order them from the mint. Same thing with the Lewis and Clark Nickels, the Lincoln Penny series, the state quarter coins series etc. I found more Florida State Quarters when I was on vacation in Colorado than I ever have here in Florida. Go figure? Maybe in some of the larger metropolitan areas, like Tampa, they may be more readily available but then you either have to hop from major bank to major bank and hope you get lucky or spend half a day making phone calls to banks talking to people that don't really care if they have the coins you are looking for or not. I asked a teller at my local bank for the latest issue of the gold presidential coins only to be told "no, we don't have them." Luckily another teller heard our conversation and told her that they DID have them, they were in the vault and told her exactly where they were. she went into the vault and came out about 5 minutes later with what I was looking for. Had the other lady not over heard out conversation, I would have missed out.