I have a Safari , and my buddy uses an Etrac ....We hunted yesterday 3/27 and while I was getting my targets , my buddy was getting coins deeper , and they were repeatable tones ....I brought my Safari over to some of his findings before he dug them, and I would get a "scatchy" tone in one direction, and in a lot of cases was NOT repeatable , so that would have been a targe that I would have passed by .....He did not , and out came Silver !!!.....I made as many adjustments to my Safari as I could , but it could not compare to the Etrac after a certain depth ....The fact that he can get both Ferrous and Conductive numbers at the same time is a big issue to when I.D.ing targets .... I would LOVE to have both numbers rather than have the icon's which don't help me much at all ... If I could turn them off in Conductivity mode to conserve the battery , I would ..... My thoughts are that for the average user, the Safari is a great machine, but for that added assurance and depth that the Etrac gives , it's TOTALLY worth the extra money ....Again, for your average hunting , the Safari is a great machine,, but for those DEEP targets , the Etrac get's my vote ....Jim