Well, as luck would have it, my two month old excel took a dump tonight. I am down to one detector and I'm afraid this is going to set me back a month or more. Last sunday, the screen kept dimming, but I thought it was just the sun. Also, Sunday when I changed the batteries, the detector turned on by by it's self. Tonight the screen kept dimming and then returning and after five or six episodes of this, the screen went blank permanently. I still had the audio when the screen was gone. I put in fresh batteries again and hunted with no screen for about 45 minutes. I turned the detector off and quickly on again and the battery indicator was showing 7 volts after only 45 minutes. Something is wacky here. After calling Fisher, I found out that there is only one regional service center. It will have to go back to the factory, 5 days out, three weeks in shop, and 5 days back to me. I have had 6 Fishers and this is the first one that crapped out. Maybe they are so good that the people repairing them are like the Maytag man. Well,I'm just crying in my beer. R.L.