Ive had the IDXL for around two months and have found 22 nickels that are pre 1950
the strange thing is that about half of them and including some v nickels read as high coin, zink and tabs untill i began to dig once I disturbed the dirt the high readings fell down to nickel range
Also found around 20 silver dimes and some of them read down in the tab range
So moral to the story dig it all <IMG SRC="/metal/html/pulltab.gif" BORDER=0 width=54 height=24 ALT="sB">
the strange thing is that about half of them and including some v nickels read as high coin, zink and tabs untill i began to dig once I disturbed the dirt the high readings fell down to nickel range
Also found around 20 silver dimes and some of them read down in the tab range
So moral to the story dig it all <IMG SRC="/metal/html/pulltab.gif" BORDER=0 width=54 height=24 ALT="sB">