Well, here are two different persons comment in reply to the situation and your title of the post:
"It's disgusting that people would wantonly waste that many eels and fish There was an article and pictures in yesterday's Oregonian.
"My question is why do they instantly assume that it would be native people doing this, to my knowledge and from what I have seen in my travels, indian people do not waste those animals they take for food. On the other hand I have been a hunting guide and have seen first hand how non indians would shoot an animal and then not want it because the horns weren't big enough or they haul these animals in the backs of their trucks and show off the animal most times with the head still attached until the meat spoils and it ends up in the trash dump, seen hunters coming through with the ead animals in their trucks with the hair still on and it being hot temperature wise and they come from colorado going back to california, saw california hunters shoot does and fawns just for the sport of shooting them, now this. Still, makes me think that this wasn't indians that did this."
Bottom line is, people are people, no matter their skin color, all people of all colors have done wrong and will continue to do wrong, but what is worse, is to automatically make an accusation of a whole race of people...
Indians were given rights to fish by our treaties we have with the government, however, our Elders teach us respect for all living things... I am saddend that this has happend to the fish... it is wrong for anyone to kill like this... regardless if they are brown, red, black, white, purple.....