New member
I am very impressed with the book. He has definately put the time in the field and the time in the production of this book. He has reminded me just how important it is to document everything because you never know when you might need that imfo that you've recorded. I chatted with him through many e-mails and he's a very nice individual that isn't too busy to answer a question or to give some advice to someone that hasn't been diggin' relics for 30+ years. I've tried to talk to some of the other long time diggers and it's like they don't want to help you out in any way as if you might dig some of their relics or become a better digger than them. I apprerciate those conversations we had Richard and hope to chat with you some more in the future. For those who haven't purchased this book yet you ought to check it out. It is loaded with some great colored pictures of some awesome relics. I drooled all the way through the book lookin' at those pics. This has been a long needed book in the relic field. Thanks for viewing and get your own copy on the link at the top of the page.
WTG Richard!!!!
WTG Richard!!!!