New member
I would like to thank every one of you who puts up with me here on the forum .I appreciate that---As I look out the window here at my X wifes apartment it is snowing, this is about my 3-4 white Christmas (Pretty but I will be glad to get back to our good old rain) A few of us in my family will have a small meal this evening here at her place---It Would be my Son and his wife (Who is actually only relation through my X) My Grand Son will be here also So that makes only 5 people---I consider myself lucky that he calls me Dad as he never once met his real father---I am also very lucky both of my grand kids call me Grandpa because they do not call there other grandfather anything but by his first name---When kids who are no legal relation do that it cannot make me anything but Happy---I just wonder how long the snow will last and how bad the floods will be after the snow melts---I always like snow for a couple of days but after that it gets darn tiresome and can Melt anytime as far as I am concerned---I think my trip to Az. at the end of January my be in jeopardy because of the snow going through Southern Oregon and Northern Calif. But if the other two from Idaho go I will give it a shot also---D.C. have a great Christmas It was very nice to meet you and your wife this spring,I don't know if I will head over your way this spring or not but If I do I mite stop by for a couple of hours and visit then go on up to Sand Point and visit a another friend who I only see when he visits his Mother---He became a Gold hunter after I took him on his first gold trip, He went to college became a geologist for the government, He and a friend and me are the ones going to Az.------------Hope Everyone here finds there first Gold Coin this year, including me---I really hope Vernon finds 2-3 as he needs to find something like that to write another magazine article---He has been slacking off on his finds back in Virginia---Some Day I would like to be able to hunt for C.W. Relics I never thought about that whenever I have been on the east coast----But if I get there again I will start knocking on doors--Good By Everone---DeathWind1---R.R.R.