I've been on both sides of the coin: being timid and sitting at home just because the wind blew and it was raining. Then going to the local club meeting and hear that "so-&-so was out during the storm and got 12 gold rings in a day, and silver coins and fast as he could dig them". So I decided I wasn't going to miss out "on the next one" And yes, I've been out there when the rain is blowing sideways, and it's all you can do just to stand there firmly as the waves wash around you and try to pull you out
But there's no thrill compared to the coins as fast as you can dig them. Multiple coins per scoops, so thick you can't even pinpoint individual coins, so you give up and scoop blindly and wildly. Those times are rare, but I've seen them happen in severe erosion, if you chance upon mother nature's settle-zones. Once you've been in conditions that good, it's hard to ever go back to dry sand hunting again. Why look for random-placed objects, when you can wait for mother nature to put them all into nice concise little patterns for you
Yes, I've had authorities try to tell me the "beach is closed", so you just move down a few blocks, or walk further into the water and try not to look their direction as they yell to you (as if you can't hear them), etc.... Crazy stuff I did in my youth, I dunno if my legs can take it now that I'm on the ugly side of 50! haha