I met a young man about a month ago and he had just bought an ace 250 and I spent what time I could trying to help him out, but this farm where I have permission to metal detect since October of 2015 and have only been able to go once has lots of history. Walking with a cane right now and probably won't get to detect for awhile. He already found a mercury dime and some old spoons and hope he finds something wonderful even if I can't get down there and detect with him. They have the sidewalks tore up in a good size town about 5 miles from this location and I planned to tell him about it, but haven't been able to contact him. Hunting alone has it's perks, but having someone to hunt with is good for safety, and companionship. Found some old house locations on google and want to share these with him. John, I wouldn't want to be cooped up around you and all those pickled eggs...lol
Waterdog, 2 dollars is good but 13 is better, but friendship is something money can't buy.