then your golden, but unfortunately for me I'm always standing behind the door when the tokens are thrown out I reckon. I happen to find one token for a silver round, which is down from previous years, which I averaged 2-4 tokens. But I found a butt load of silver and just sold it for $200.00. Yes, I seemed to find quite a bit more silver coins with the Coinstrike then I did with other machines like the CZ5 & Cortes. BUt I switched off with the Xterra 70 and also did very well on coin recovery as well. Both have a fast target recovery and sweep speed which you need in comp hunting especially this kind where most of the targets are gone is 15 minutes. I also had no interference with the XT70 either.
Unfortunately, I saw a few Quattro's on the hunt field and from what I could tell, they performed like I figured they would, which was poorly. Don't get me wrong, the Quattro is an excellent machine and one of the deepest I have ever hunted with, but it IS NOT A COMP HUNT UNIT, it is a sloooowwwww sweep machine. It just drove home the importance of having the right detector for the type of hunting your doing, kind of like the right tool for the right job.
But, I didn't make a killing, but you couldn't put a price on the fun I had. Well, actually you could, that $5000.00 top prize would have been a nice price to start with. I wait all year for this hunt, so now it will be another year and hopefully my ship will come in then or at least get out of the harbor.