I absolutely hated this machine when I first got it. I couldn't get it to settle down at all. It turns out I had a bad 10 D2 coil so Whites replaced it free of charge except for shipping mine back. Now I truly believe this is one of the best VLF machines ever made. It hits silver deep,copper deep and gold just as deep. The key is to get it stable. I have found on my machine that I can run the RX gain at 15 and the all metal in the 90's but the single biggest adjustment for stability is the Disc number. When I adjust the RX gain it really doesn't affect stability and neither does the all metal. I've tested this over and over and the single biggest factor on my machine is the disc gain. So I adjust RX at 15 and all metal at the 85 range then adjust disc gain until it starts to false and back off till its stable. In High Pro with RX at 15 and all metal at 85 and disc at 65 I can dig silver dimes at 9-10 inches all day long (in air tests it gets them at 12 inches or better and quarters well its ridiculous). I'm just glad I kept this machine. One key for me has been to learn to trust the V3 and after that the finds are getting better and better. I'll start posting some finds soon as I'm not much of a camera buff but believe me I've owned almost every detector out there and this V3 is right at the top. I haven't tried the Etrac or the G2 or Gold Bug Pro but I may own one in the future. One thing is for sure my Whites V3 has a permanent home.