Out of curiosity, last night I took a clad dime and piled three square nails on top of it. I was operating my F75 at a sensitivity of 60, which is mid-range for this machine. Tones were "delta pitch", which means that higher VDI readings have higher tones. Iron sounds like a fart and high conductors sound sweet. My F75 got the dime tone just fine, though the VDI was reduced from what would normally be a 73 reading to something in the low 60s. There was almost no iron tone from this mixed target. If I backed way off on the sensitivity to say 30, then the dime tone was degraded considerably and the iron tones were more dominant.
In monotone, the mixed target sounded exactly like either of the two pure targets. The chances of the mixed target sounding like mostly iron was reduced by switching to monotone. I think this is what Dankowski was getting at when he suggested operating the machine in monotone in iron-infested areas. But I think that if you can run your sensitivity high enough, the F75 just sees right through the iron. If anyone has other testing suggestions, I'd be happy to try them. - Jim
In monotone, the mixed target sounded exactly like either of the two pure targets. The chances of the mixed target sounding like mostly iron was reduced by switching to monotone. I think this is what Dankowski was getting at when he suggested operating the machine in monotone in iron-infested areas. But I think that if you can run your sensitivity high enough, the F75 just sees right through the iron. If anyone has other testing suggestions, I'd be happy to try them. - Jim