I cut and pasted this from another forum that many on there were drive by shooting at the new Fisher company.
Mr. Bill
Metal Detecting Equipment
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On the subject of First Texas/Fisher bashing....Posted by Captain Hambone on 11/2/2007, 1:03 am
I have never posted here before but wanted to throw in my opinion even though many will disagree with what I have to say. I do not mean to offend anyone but know that is impossible. Following many forums on a regular basis it seems like some will go out of their way to talk bad about a few particular companies. I started hunting with a Compass Coin Pro then a BH Big Bud, moved to a CZ6, next Garrett GTI 2000-ouch it sucked, then an XLT, then a ML Explorer XS, Explorer 2, Tejon when my permanently injured ML elbow set in, then a T2 and now an F75 which I love much like I loved many of the other before it. My love for a detector is based on what I find with it and not who makes it. I love the F75 more than all others because it finds stuff for me. I see a blatant biased attitude by many towards BH, FT and now Fisher on this forum and many other forums.
I strongly believe that all F75 issues have been severely amplified and scrutinized only because it is now a FT product and associated with BH. That puts them smack dab under the microscope and the slightest problem is multiplied by 100%. This is what we are seeing regarding quality control. Everyone is just waiting for any type of slip up and when one comes blows the whistle and says I told you so and creates the inevitable snowball effect. One bad coil story spread by the BH skeptics 20 times becomes known as 20 problems and creates more skeptics telling it again now its 200 bad coils. This leads to grossly exaggerated quality control problems we are seeing on the forums. It also leads to urban detector legends like some of the totally untrue ones listed here. Does anyone honestly believe that FT would put someone on the phone that did not speak English that is the dumbest made up story I have ever heard and proof that many of these facts about bad detector are just grossly exaggerated minor problems like the non English speaking dude. He probably just had an accent.
Every BH critic like the ones here are so eager to jump on the F75 and new Fisher bashing wagon because it is not a true Fisher detector as they see it. Get over it guys the old Fisher ran themselves out of business and were still selling lifetime warrantees to anyone that would buy one knowing they would soon be out of business and would never be able to honor them. This is the great old Fisher many of you are saying was so wonderful, you are honoring crooks that knowingly ripped detector buyers off for years. Now that's funny. The bad guys at FT came in and saved the day by continuing to honor warranties and repair units out of warranty not to mention carrying on the Fisher legacy when it could have ended.
The F75 is an excellent detector that had a few bad coils, and some bad solder joints initially but improved as time has gone on. There are now far fewer reports about interference and bad coils, all the electronic interference problems seem to be mainly due to bad coils. The cam lock problem is fixed,loose battery situation is fixed, tight lower rods fixed, I have also heard they've dealt with the foam grip issue, and I've heard the units are now much more resistant to moisture. I've also read that CZ20s with lifetime warranties not able to be fixed are being converted to CZ21s. How is that for a conscientious and responsive company?
Why do all of you people doubt the Dave Johnson F75 design? He was the brains behind most of your favorite detectors over the last 2 decades and now he chokes on a design. I think not- the F75 will smoke virtually every other detector made and most out there that know how to hunt and have actually used an F75 will agree with this. The ones that have not used one will continue to pipe in on how much they suck.
I predict that over the next few years FT will really open some eyes and many of you nay Sayers will be eating a healthy portion of crow. I hope you have some salt,-that will make it easier to choke down.
Look what FT has done in 2007. The F75, F4, F2, BH Gold, BH Platinum, and are on the cusp of having a new multi freq water unit even though it could be considered a re-release of the CZ20 that the wonderful old Fisher with a masterful brilliantly conceived business plan discontinued. Anyone ever wonder why they discontinued the 20? It has nothing to do with lack of parts. It has to do with them knowingly ripping people off with the lifetime warranty and added baggage affecting the sale price of a company that the cooperate owner had already written off.
Oh yeah where was I? Let's see, a fantastic high end unit taking the industry by storm, 2 intriguing low end units, 2 very capable mid range units, and a water unit that looks like it will be out in 2007. While some may look like others they are all new on the inside.
Wow these guys at FT are really stinking up the industry with their crappy new products LOL. Well at least they actually have new products.
What has the rest of the industry done except for planting some people on the forums to try and bash FT and the F75 only because they are scared sh*tless of what FT is doing.
Whites are still working on new stuff so it remains to be seen if they will be out in 2007. Last new release was the DFX or Prisms a few years ago?
Detector Pro is making a nice effort with one new low end unit this year made in China.
Garrett has reliable product but it's stale and has inferior performance also no new product this year. What year did the Ace series come out 2006 or was it 2005?
Tesoro makes good stuff with a great warranty but still nothing new for 2007. When did their latest Cibola and Vaquero appear, also a few years ago?
ML-Can we even count the ML Explorer SE as a new unit? I don't consider a rehash of the Explorer 2 a new unit and it may have been last year or the year before that it came out along with the Xterras.
FT has 6 new units compared to the rest of the industries 1 new in 2007 and that's Detector Pro LOL. It looks to me like the laughing stock of BH and DP have really stuck it to the rest of the manufacturers in 2007 and I think that is pretty cool, but I like to root for the underdogs like Detector pro and Tesoro and now BH.
Maybe it will turn into 2 against 6 for 2007 if Whites does it soon but FT still smoked everyone else combined and I believe this will continue in 2008 and beyond.
Isn't this what we all want, lots of exciting new product to talk about and play with? I for one am extremely excited about what is transpiring here, we have an aggressive company spending money and making lots of new product for us to use, criticize and praise. This will affect all of our other beloved manufacturers as they scramble to keep up and come out with new product to try and protect their market share. Some will succeed some will lose some of their share, but FT will gain whatever others lose. The next few years will create some excellent new detectors from all manufacturers as they fight for their share of the market our business and our continued loyalty.
Who will hit the next home run like the F75 has done remains to be seen, but I will try one and not listen to hearsay before I open my big uninformed mouth and bash it.
FT IS the catalyst behind a time in the industry that we will all be able to enjoy.
Looks to me like there is a new industry leader but I'll wait until next year to say I told you so.
-=Captain Hambone=-
Mr. Bill
Metal Detecting Equipment
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On the subject of First Texas/Fisher bashing....Posted by Captain Hambone on 11/2/2007, 1:03 am
I have never posted here before but wanted to throw in my opinion even though many will disagree with what I have to say. I do not mean to offend anyone but know that is impossible. Following many forums on a regular basis it seems like some will go out of their way to talk bad about a few particular companies. I started hunting with a Compass Coin Pro then a BH Big Bud, moved to a CZ6, next Garrett GTI 2000-ouch it sucked, then an XLT, then a ML Explorer XS, Explorer 2, Tejon when my permanently injured ML elbow set in, then a T2 and now an F75 which I love much like I loved many of the other before it. My love for a detector is based on what I find with it and not who makes it. I love the F75 more than all others because it finds stuff for me. I see a blatant biased attitude by many towards BH, FT and now Fisher on this forum and many other forums.
I strongly believe that all F75 issues have been severely amplified and scrutinized only because it is now a FT product and associated with BH. That puts them smack dab under the microscope and the slightest problem is multiplied by 100%. This is what we are seeing regarding quality control. Everyone is just waiting for any type of slip up and when one comes blows the whistle and says I told you so and creates the inevitable snowball effect. One bad coil story spread by the BH skeptics 20 times becomes known as 20 problems and creates more skeptics telling it again now its 200 bad coils. This leads to grossly exaggerated quality control problems we are seeing on the forums. It also leads to urban detector legends like some of the totally untrue ones listed here. Does anyone honestly believe that FT would put someone on the phone that did not speak English that is the dumbest made up story I have ever heard and proof that many of these facts about bad detector are just grossly exaggerated minor problems like the non English speaking dude. He probably just had an accent.
Every BH critic like the ones here are so eager to jump on the F75 and new Fisher bashing wagon because it is not a true Fisher detector as they see it. Get over it guys the old Fisher ran themselves out of business and were still selling lifetime warrantees to anyone that would buy one knowing they would soon be out of business and would never be able to honor them. This is the great old Fisher many of you are saying was so wonderful, you are honoring crooks that knowingly ripped detector buyers off for years. Now that's funny. The bad guys at FT came in and saved the day by continuing to honor warranties and repair units out of warranty not to mention carrying on the Fisher legacy when it could have ended.
The F75 is an excellent detector that had a few bad coils, and some bad solder joints initially but improved as time has gone on. There are now far fewer reports about interference and bad coils, all the electronic interference problems seem to be mainly due to bad coils. The cam lock problem is fixed,loose battery situation is fixed, tight lower rods fixed, I have also heard they've dealt with the foam grip issue, and I've heard the units are now much more resistant to moisture. I've also read that CZ20s with lifetime warranties not able to be fixed are being converted to CZ21s. How is that for a conscientious and responsive company?
Why do all of you people doubt the Dave Johnson F75 design? He was the brains behind most of your favorite detectors over the last 2 decades and now he chokes on a design. I think not- the F75 will smoke virtually every other detector made and most out there that know how to hunt and have actually used an F75 will agree with this. The ones that have not used one will continue to pipe in on how much they suck.
I predict that over the next few years FT will really open some eyes and many of you nay Sayers will be eating a healthy portion of crow. I hope you have some salt,-that will make it easier to choke down.
Look what FT has done in 2007. The F75, F4, F2, BH Gold, BH Platinum, and are on the cusp of having a new multi freq water unit even though it could be considered a re-release of the CZ20 that the wonderful old Fisher with a masterful brilliantly conceived business plan discontinued. Anyone ever wonder why they discontinued the 20? It has nothing to do with lack of parts. It has to do with them knowingly ripping people off with the lifetime warranty and added baggage affecting the sale price of a company that the cooperate owner had already written off.
Oh yeah where was I? Let's see, a fantastic high end unit taking the industry by storm, 2 intriguing low end units, 2 very capable mid range units, and a water unit that looks like it will be out in 2007. While some may look like others they are all new on the inside.
Wow these guys at FT are really stinking up the industry with their crappy new products LOL. Well at least they actually have new products.
What has the rest of the industry done except for planting some people on the forums to try and bash FT and the F75 only because they are scared sh*tless of what FT is doing.
Whites are still working on new stuff so it remains to be seen if they will be out in 2007. Last new release was the DFX or Prisms a few years ago?
Detector Pro is making a nice effort with one new low end unit this year made in China.
Garrett has reliable product but it's stale and has inferior performance also no new product this year. What year did the Ace series come out 2006 or was it 2005?
Tesoro makes good stuff with a great warranty but still nothing new for 2007. When did their latest Cibola and Vaquero appear, also a few years ago?
ML-Can we even count the ML Explorer SE as a new unit? I don't consider a rehash of the Explorer 2 a new unit and it may have been last year or the year before that it came out along with the Xterras.
FT has 6 new units compared to the rest of the industries 1 new in 2007 and that's Detector Pro LOL. It looks to me like the laughing stock of BH and DP have really stuck it to the rest of the manufacturers in 2007 and I think that is pretty cool, but I like to root for the underdogs like Detector pro and Tesoro and now BH.
Maybe it will turn into 2 against 6 for 2007 if Whites does it soon but FT still smoked everyone else combined and I believe this will continue in 2008 and beyond.
Isn't this what we all want, lots of exciting new product to talk about and play with? I for one am extremely excited about what is transpiring here, we have an aggressive company spending money and making lots of new product for us to use, criticize and praise. This will affect all of our other beloved manufacturers as they scramble to keep up and come out with new product to try and protect their market share. Some will succeed some will lose some of their share, but FT will gain whatever others lose. The next few years will create some excellent new detectors from all manufacturers as they fight for their share of the market our business and our continued loyalty.
Who will hit the next home run like the F75 has done remains to be seen, but I will try one and not listen to hearsay before I open my big uninformed mouth and bash it.
FT IS the catalyst behind a time in the industry that we will all be able to enjoy.
Looks to me like there is a new industry leader but I'll wait until next year to say I told you so.
-=Captain Hambone=-