I've been playing around with the photos I took on the UK trip. Now getting around to closely examining photos of the not too exciting, but still neat stuff.
Its always fun to find old buttons and all of us found a bunch of them. Many with the attachment loop still unbroken / not bent ... ready to be used once again. One of the buttons I found was made of lead.
At least I thought it was a button until I noticed the back side attachment loop is offset, not centered. Even back in Roman times, they had the skill to center what needed to be centered.
Wouldn't an offset attachment point make the button not secure the fabric as well as a centered attachment point? Pardon the metric measurement but that's what you get in the UK when asking for a ruler to measure something .... the USA size is right at 7/16" edge to edge.
[attachment 209767 medsealattachmentedit.jpg] [attachment 209768 medievalsealedit.jpg]
I found a web site that shows all kinds and types of seals when I was researching the "God Speed The Plough" seal. Here is both sides of what they describe as "A lead Medieval personal seal" from the 1200's.
[attachment 209769 personalleadsealback.jpg] [attachment 209770 personalleadseal.jpg]
Any of you button experts have an opinion on this ..... is it a way cool lead button or even cooler personal seal?
Its always fun to find old buttons and all of us found a bunch of them. Many with the attachment loop still unbroken / not bent ... ready to be used once again. One of the buttons I found was made of lead.
At least I thought it was a button until I noticed the back side attachment loop is offset, not centered. Even back in Roman times, they had the skill to center what needed to be centered.
Wouldn't an offset attachment point make the button not secure the fabric as well as a centered attachment point? Pardon the metric measurement but that's what you get in the UK when asking for a ruler to measure something .... the USA size is right at 7/16" edge to edge.
[attachment 209767 medsealattachmentedit.jpg] [attachment 209768 medievalsealedit.jpg]
I found a web site that shows all kinds and types of seals when I was researching the "God Speed The Plough" seal. Here is both sides of what they describe as "A lead Medieval personal seal" from the 1200's.
[attachment 209769 personalleadsealback.jpg] [attachment 209770 personalleadseal.jpg]
Any of you button experts have an opinion on this ..... is it a way cool lead button or even cooler personal seal?