Jim West Pa
New member
place. Hi, we are Janet and Jim.New to this forum. We were told about this site by a feller that i recently dealt with in the classifieds of another forum. I must admit that after about 4 years in that other site the temptations were beginin to git pretty powerfull. I admit tho that i did enjoy the challenges,and they even accepted my occasional evangelizings to an extent.(Jesus didn't stay only where it was "safe".)
I have done a bit of lurkin' here before registerin' and was suprised to recogniize a few names i'm familiar with from the other site.MMMMM...wonder why they never told me of this site before
Anywho, Janet and i are avid
users, we have 4 machines twixt the two of us, BH-ID,DFX, IDX-PRO and Prizm II. Our interests are coinshootin/siftin,surf swingin',and most recently are intersted in bottle diggin and prospectin'.A friend recently bot us a membership to the GPAA for a weddin' gift and we are chompin' at the bit to give that a try. ( of course all these activities are subject to how my health as actin' on any given day)
We are also lookin for each and every moment to git out on our scooters and ride.We belong to a local C&MA church that is biker based and we take advantage of every chance we get to git out and ride for Jesus,There's a lot of lost bikers out there that actually are very eager to find the right kind of church and folk to accept them for who they are and help them to find their way to Jesus' salvation. With God's help and guidance we do our best to do HIS work.
Well, that's a bit about us.I jist wanna add that when Janet & I found out 'bout this site we immediately were very excited. Christians that metal detect and play in the dirt ?!?!?!?!?!? how cool is that ????
Any bikers in the forum ???
We're lookin' forward to sharin' our dirtfishin' digs and maybe gettin' to know some of ya. Jim
PS, if yer readin' this Mike...thanx
I have done a bit of lurkin' here before registerin' and was suprised to recogniize a few names i'm familiar with from the other site.MMMMM...wonder why they never told me of this site before
Anywho, Janet and i are avid

We are also lookin for each and every moment to git out on our scooters and ride.We belong to a local C&MA church that is biker based and we take advantage of every chance we get to git out and ride for Jesus,There's a lot of lost bikers out there that actually are very eager to find the right kind of church and folk to accept them for who they are and help them to find their way to Jesus' salvation. With God's help and guidance we do our best to do HIS work.
Well, that's a bit about us.I jist wanna add that when Janet & I found out 'bout this site we immediately were very excited. Christians that metal detect and play in the dirt ?!?!?!?!?!? how cool is that ????

We're lookin' forward to sharin' our dirtfishin' digs and maybe gettin' to know some of ya. Jim
PS, if yer readin' this Mike...thanx