Pete in MI
New member
I didn't do well getting out of the chair and onto crutches - chair tipped over and I fell on the crutches. I told Sherry it is going to take some time getting used to doing anything. She was of course worried the fall might knock lose a clot. Still hoping to hear from someone soon about getting a walker to use. I still have to get the PPO today.
It is a bright sunny beautiful day - this is the day the Lord has made and certainly gonna try hard to be glad in it. I still have not seen Casey since I went into the hospital but heard she is getting a bit mouthy to adults (not the way we were bringing her up - something she picked up at her Dad's when she was there).
Well have a great day "Ps 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
God bless each and everyone of you....
Hey see how stupid the devil is....since I can't get around much means I have more time to build myself up on God's Word...had I been able to just run around I might not have been giving God as much time - see Satan is stupid.
It is a bright sunny beautiful day - this is the day the Lord has made and certainly gonna try hard to be glad in it. I still have not seen Casey since I went into the hospital but heard she is getting a bit mouthy to adults (not the way we were bringing her up - something she picked up at her Dad's when she was there).
Well have a great day "Ps 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
God bless each and everyone of you....
Hey see how stupid the devil is....since I can't get around much means I have more time to build myself up on God's Word...had I been able to just run around I might not have been giving God as much time - see Satan is stupid.