That was until I got back to the PT cruiser and took a look at them with a loupe. Was dry sand hunting this morning. Waaay too many people on CWB so I headed to a more secluded beach. I was almost ready to leave when I hit on these with the sand shark. I saw gold before I scooped them up so I was hoping it was something good. When I shook the sand out of the scoop I was surprised to see not one but two rings. Then it hit me, this was a wedding set. I quickly stashed them in my pouch and started thinking about all the possibilities. Reward money!,wife would have a new set, blah, blah, blah. I don't hunt with my glasses so I headed back to the car to see what they were. When I looked through the loupe I saw the word "CHINA" DAMN! what a total buzz kill! I thought I was gonna have some bragging rights too. So I called the wife and we had a good laugh. But who in the world buys a crap plated Chinese wedding set? Oh well, still no gold for me in 2012.....