I was up and at it at 06:30 this morning, on a nice cold (-20C) morning all alone on top of a large hill with a clear sky full of stars. It was just so quiet, peaceful, and beautiful!
Of course I was here to find some snow loot, so I can finally get some closure this past years hunt. The sunrise appeared a nice bright yellow-orange, and I could see the small icicles forming on my mustache.
I hit two more hills after the first one, then the cold got to me, so I bought some bacon, went home and fried it up for my wifey and me. I got just under $5.00.
Of course I was here to find some snow loot, so I can finally get some closure this past years hunt. The sunrise appeared a nice bright yellow-orange, and I could see the small icicles forming on my mustache.
I hit two more hills after the first one, then the cold got to me, so I bought some bacon, went home and fried it up for my wifey and me. I got just under $5.00.