A bluebird. I saw it the other day too and that was only the third time I have seen any back here. They are birds of open fields. It was a thrill to see. I also saw a Scarlet Tanninger today too. I also saw a fox trotting through a few minutes ago. A crow was out there raising cane and I saw the fox trotting through. I love it here.
I went out for a scooter ride today and found two caches. I came in on the scooter yesterday and saw a dang deer, the same one that I am watching as I type, IN my flower bed! He ain't a suppose to do that! Don't he know that?
I decided to upgrade my fence charger. I think mine had died so I went out and bought a new one today. My old one was good for 10 miles of wire and the new one is good for 25 miles. The old one put out 2000 volts and the new one puts out 8200 volts for the first two miles. I have about 500 ft of wire so those deer are gonna pay attention
I went out for a scooter ride today and found two caches. I came in on the scooter yesterday and saw a dang deer, the same one that I am watching as I type, IN my flower bed! He ain't a suppose to do that! Don't he know that?
I decided to upgrade my fence charger. I think mine had died so I went out and bought a new one today. My old one was good for 10 miles of wire and the new one is good for 25 miles. The old one put out 2000 volts and the new one puts out 8200 volts for the first two miles. I have about 500 ft of wire so those deer are gonna pay attention