Tonight, the wife and I head to a local fast food joint for a quick bite to eat and after we had been there for a while I noticed a Hispanic mother at another booth with her small child, a young boy of about 2 maybe 2 1/2 years old. As I am sorta watching him with one eye, I suddenly notice that he;s wearing a 24 inch chain with some sort of medallion on it, a bangle bracelet and a ring on his left middle finger! I'm not kidding when I say he had to have at least 500.00 worth of gold on (if it was indeed gold and it sure looked like it) and that was the scrap value. I pointed it out to my wife and she couldn't believe it. She also reminded me about the free health care and free lunches at school and the other misc. free services that they will get and it's no wonder the kid was all blinged out, they can obviously afford it. Just another way to pi$$ me off.