you know i gotta tell you Dixie was older than we thought...a bit rough up close for me
OK back to the sovereign,I'm just thinking of a back up machine since Ive still not gotten mine back from las Vegas,i thought the sovereign would be a good machine but i don't know that much about it,i have so many questions about i asked above about the meter,what head sets,and what coil is best,but the hip mount Ive got more questions,OK does this machine give tones like the excal? Ive been told its similar machine?OK i understand meter,but how does just adding a meter to the circuit give you more depth?i understand more accuracy?now hip mounting this machine has what benefits over a chest mount assy??just a few of my questions here hope you don't mind?i still gotta post my pics from myrtle beach still,ill try to later on,but I'm wanting to get out to hunt before weather gets too bad up here and ground is frozen,