Anytime I buy a metal detector, or anything else for that matter, in a pawn shop, I feel there's always some chance that the item was stolen at one point or another. Those who bring items to sell or pawn into the pawn shops in my area must have a valid drivers license or picture ID in order to either sell or pawn an item. The item is held for about two weeks before it is allowed to be placed for sale and they work in close alliance with the local police department. One time I bought a defective White's 4900 D and sent it in to White's for repairs. About a week later I received a call from an Albany Oregon police department inquiring as to where I had found the 4900 D. After explaining I headed back over to the pawn shop with my receipt and got my money back after they confirmed the stolen detector with the same police department. The good news was that White's, probably feeling sorry for me, sent me a used but in perfect working order 5900 Di Pro. How's that for customer service and satisfaction !!......................