Is making great finds your #1 priority? Forget all that other stuff for a minute and ask yourself this question.
Assuming the answer is yes then consider this, I have followed this forum since last June and the Explorer users post great finds week after week, month after month, from east coast to west. And not just a coin or relic here or there, the finds are in large volume, often from parks and areas that have been hunted for years.
Now if making great finds is your #1 priority and you want the unit which currently does this better than any other, demonstrated by finds posted on this forum, in volume, consistantly month after month, then buy an Explorer. If weight, balance, quality, durability is your #1 priority you could just buy a Radioshack detector. You get all that, you won't find much but it meets your needs. If you want both...well so do I. I wish the Explorer was light as a feather and I wish my new Explorer XLS got 40mpg but it doesn't. Set a priority and deal with the trade offs.
Cracks - old issue, just make sure you buy a newer unit or its had its plastic swapped out.
Armrest - The flaw is in the arm strap in my opinion. I don't use the strap and abuse the crud out of my Explorer with big 15 inch coils and my armrest has outlasted Dave Z's DFX armrest! <IMG SRC="/forums/images/biggrin.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
"> Put the strap on, crank it down tight pulling the two sides inward and well you might break it. If you want to make great finds, forget the strap or build a better armrest, if armrest integrity is top priority then buy the Radioshack.
Rusting Screw - I have not heard of this problem but my Explorer has been rained on, sat in the mud, wet grass, washed, and no rust yet. If its a high priority take the first clad quarter you find and buy a stainless screw at Home Depot.
Weight Issue - It's heavy, MUCH too heavy in my opinion but then depth sucks on the Radioshack so weigh the pro's and con's. I use an old bowling ball strap connected to my belt, across my shoulder and hooked onto the Explorer, now it feels lighter than the DFX. Then there's the WOT-BOT for a totally weight free experience, I may even add a cup holder.
Customer Service - I work in a financial services industry for a Firm with 100,000+ partners and staff so let me speak to customer service...I have dealt with Minelab, Coiltek, and Sunray and their customer service is best of class in my opinion and I don't cut anyone a break on customer service.
Depth - Cross this concern off your list. My best dime was 11 inches and quarters and similar sized relics 12-14 inches. I have seen with my own eyes Explorer/DFX tests on the same target still in the ground in the field, Explorer wins. Not that the DFX didn't see the target it did, it just could not ID the target as accurately. How about a DFX ID'ing a silver SL quarter at 10-11 inches as iron when the Explorer nails it with a rock solid silver quarter ID? Or several barber and seated coins missed in DFX pounded areas the Explorer was able to ID among the heavy trash? The reverse is also true, the Explorer ID's iron and trash better than the DFX. BUT I give the DFX the edge IDing heavily coroded copper/brass with big halos. It's not just depth it's depth plus ID capabilities plus the ability to deal with trash and tough ground conditions and electrical noise.
Headphone Jack - Yup it works loose, I hit mine with the super glue, purchased the $20 Sunray stand with a 1/4 inch jack and found another 100 silver coins without any further problems.
Warranty - It would be nice if the warranty were transferable and longer but there's always that Radioshack unit. Another trade off issue for great finds. With over 200 hunts on my Explorer I have not had a need for any warranty work. Except for that headphone jack issue but I'm too busy finding stuff to send my unit in for repair.
My newbie finds for 2001 -
168 Silver coins, lots of rings, 100+ IH's, 5 large cents, a couple 2 centers. The silver includes 12 seated dimes, 1 bust dime, and 3-4 dozen barbers, all but a couple of the large cents were from well hunted parks.
Mike and Golddigger each had nearly 400 silvers. I already have 25 for 2002, you better hurry up and get your Explorer before we get it all! <IMG SRC="/forums/images/biggrin.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="