Well Bill, there is a fine line between enthusiasm and hype (at least low level hype

What I prefer is while the telling of how good something is, the telling what is not liked about it.
And this is possible to do without being too critical, it's called being diplomatic.
For instance this model is very good at such and such but
it has this or that missing feature or whatever.
This way one can decide for themselves if the "miss" or "missing feature"
will effect them personally.
It has been a while since Garrett has come out with new model detectors so some will look at
this as Garrett updating their catalog with newer models to entice their following-
which btw, there is nothing wrong with that.
I got the Garrett Pro Pointer late in 2008 and must say if this is the direction
new Garrett products are going in, this new AT-Pro should at least be a contender in its price-range.
So expect a lot of enthusiasm or perceived Hype from Garrett users, I don't see anything wrong with
Garrett users getting excited about new offerings.
Read between the lines after enough people get one in their hands, that usually
will give clues whether said model will be worth investing in or not.
Then spend money and see if said model had an enthusiastic following or was
just out way over Hyped
