A couple of months ago, I was MDing the beach near the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and a guy walks up to me and says his friend who works at SIO lost a tungsten wedding band just south of the pier. He asks me if I or any of my MDing coterie have found such a ring. No, I say, but I'll be sure to spread the word. Of course, I forget the name of the guy who lost the ring. My buddy Dave (Fumunda on the kinzlicoils forum) tells me a few weeks later that a friend of his just told him about a lost tungsten wedding band near the SIO pier. Yeah, I know, I ran into someone who told me the same thing. Last night, I'm hunting around the pier, move up the beach a little to avoid another MDer with a more expensive detector and longer scoop [it's getting crowded out here], and then come back down to the water's edge. I get a really nice signal at 6 inches and out of comes this ring. No markings, too light for platinum, I'm thinking tungsten. Any opinions? If I can confirm that it is tungsten, I will begin my search for the owner on Monday morning. Should be easy to find too, as I work right up the hill from SIO and know a few people down there. - Jim
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