Steve in Idaho
New member
I was showing a friend my X-70 with the 5" small HF coil the other day and he threw out a silver dollar on the ground to see what TID it would give. We had checked some other coins before and they came up ok so I told him that it would be a 46. When I ran the coil over the silver dollar in the prospect mode it gave a good signal. I then switched to the coin mode in the # 1 pattern mode and it did not give any TID. This was an eye opener to me. The only way that I could get a TID on that coin was to run the coil on the ground up to the edge of the dollar, then it gave me a 46. All of my other sized coils work ok over the dollar. Is my coil ok or is this the way the small coil works ?? Has any one ran their small coil over a silver dollar to see if it will read? I have found several silver dollars with my larger coils and now wounder if I have missed some dollars with my small coil in trashy areas.