Hmmmm....I highly doubt that coil isn't for your Etrac/Explorers (meaning FBS machines), because it shouldn't work at all if it's for the wrong machine. I suppose it's possible if it was from the wrong machine but with close enough windings and internals in it to work somewhat on your machine but that would explain why no proper ID. The coiled cable does make me think it's for the Explorer/Etrac, though, because I think (?) coiling the cable like that is unique to those machines for the way they fit inside the shaft. Does anybody know of any other machines that the coil cables are coiled like that on? Either way, even if it's for your Explorer/Etrac it's obviously not working right, because those coils ID fine on those machines.
That's a complaint I have about coils. They should all be required to inscribe the machine it's for on the top of the coil into the plastic, so as they get sold used or in garage sales people know what it's for.
The ONLY sure way to know who's coil that's for, without an model or serial # (does it have one on it?)...Wait...I see it has a serial # in the middle. Any model # too? Anyway, you should be able to find out from the serial #. Post in the Etrac & Explorer forums and ask others to read their serial # to you and see if they match. Probably not, as a model # probably only would. The pin outs on the plug narrow it down some too. I'm sure some machines don't have as many pins perhaps, as Minelabs have redundant ground pins on them equalling 5 pins I think (from memory).
But, the only sure way to tell which coil that is, lacking Detech or Kellyco giving you info....Did you contact JW at Kellyco? He knows his stuff and I'm sure can look up that serial or model # for you to see....But anyway, lacking that, the only sure way to see what machine that coil is for is to measure the pinouts on it with a multimeter (measure the resistance between each of the pins in pairs with each other so all your bases are covered). If you can read the resistance of all those pins in different pin pair combinations and post it here....I'll measure the resistance of them on one of my coils and see if they match. Small or large, all coils have the same resistance readings across those pins, as they have to be within certain specs to run right on any given machine. The resistance of them will be unique to each machine, so if they match my coils then it's for sure a Sovereign coil, for instance. Ask in the FBS forums for somebody to measure theirs for you. Again, it does not have to be the same coil. Any coil for a FBS machine will have the same resistance readings. The coil windings, while different in turns and such on different sized and type coils for a machine, still have to bring the resistance to the proper level via gauge of wire, turns, and such.
Please let us know what you find out either way!