The excellent Classic series also had internal trimmers for the All Metal mode's Threshold adjustment and Ground Balance. The GB trimmer was much more easily accessible, and it was also a larger, more durable trimmer.
Better still, with the Classic III's & IDX Pro's that I prefer, the GB trimer can be set slightly positive for the ground environment in the All Metal mode and the Discriminate mode will work just fine.
With the Prizm series, however, I have evaluated too many of them that reflect different GB references between the Discriminate mode and the All Metal mode. For example, I have handled various Prizm's that had a somewhat positive All Metal mode GB and yet the Discriminate mode's GB reference wasn't sufficient to keep it from falsing when swept over a hole or when passing over a very mineralized rock. Then, too I have seen some that had a slightly negative GB and the same happened. Then, on others with a slightly positive or slightly negative GB, the Discriminate mode seemed to function just fine w/o any falsing.
The Prizm circuitry just wasn't designed like the Classic's wherein a 'proper' GB adjustment in All Metal would reflect a good functional Disc. mode GB setting. I think the Prizm V is sort of a decent unit, for example, but I would only have one if it worked well in BOTH operating modes and in a variety of challenging ground environments. I'll play with one more this summer and see what the innards look like and if there is any hope for them to fill
my needs.
Then, on second thought, I just might wait until they offer a decent, smaller-sized coil for them so that they can handle trashier sites better!