But can any of you give me a little insight as to why? I went to a fairground's today that I have been to dozen's of times over the year's starting back in the 70's. It used to be full of old stuff but like most places it's been picked to death. I go there when I only have a couple of hour's to kill and I usually get a wheat or two and that is about it. I have been using the 8 inch coinsearch coil to learn my GT. But this time I put on the 12x10 SEF coil. Both dimes weren't that deep,maybe 4 or 5 inches. The signal on the first dime which is 1906 was the weakest,it was a very narrow 180 on the meter but I could get a good tone and a flickering 180 but it took some wiggling of the coil. Maybe it was on edge,I don't know because it was in the pile of dirt next to the hole when I took the plug out. The second dime a 1903 gave a better signal and tone but still not too deep. Even though it was a better signal it still wasn't one of those signal's that is unmistakable,it had a little iffiness to it. Maybe this dime was slightly on edge or at an angle. I did dig a nail about a foot away but don't think it was close enough to the dime to make a difference. The only thing different today was the coil. Do any of you think the SEF coil was the reason? I have heard nothing but good thing's about this coil? Like I said I have been here many times in the past and alway's with the coinsearch coil on,except in the old day's of course. Maybe it was just a good stroke of luck. I also found a maverick token going back to the car, still in the same places I have been over before. Just pondering,what do you guy's think? I'm just all antsy waiting to go again. Another thing about the Sovereign wiggle. I have been just setting the coil on the ground right on top of the target and shaking the coil quite briskly rather than making short quick back and forth sweeps. This seem's to work pretty good.
Good hunting. Gary
Good hunting. Gary