Steve. satan is putting fear into your mind by saying you are going to be worse off financially!! Who do you believe Jesus or satan? God will meet your needs so do what needs to be done by you and then let GO and Let GOD! When we have done all we can to help ourselves with godly wisdom by the Holy Spirit of God, then we stand still and firm on our Rock of Salvation, Jesus Christ, Who will never leave nor forsake His own!
Have the dr to write up his report on how disabled you are and seek disability! They will probably turn you down the first time you apply, but don't give up and be persistent. My brother-in-law, David, was in his 50's when he had to quit working because of his bad lungs after working as a brick layer for years and years and breathing the cement dust which has clogged his lungs....he persisted with prayer from my sister and has been on disability for a long time. I think he is in his 60's now and just had suregery on his heart with a new valve put in but still has the bad lungs! Don't give up as that is what satan wants you to do and quit worrying and start praising God from Whom all our needs and blessings flow! He will help you but you must have the faith that all will be well!
I talked to the Lord last night because of my financial needs that are questionable, but I know God is with me and has been all the years since the divorce and has met my needs many times by giving me the understanding in what to do for myself and then through His workings in my life! God is GOOD but satan comes to steal, kill and destroy your marriage, you and your wife, BUT DON'T LET the Wicked Liar do that to you and your marriage by seeking God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength!
Do this each morning by saying, Good morning, Lord, I love You and I know You love me, please give me the strength to go through and the power to endure and overcome this day! Then Thank Jesus and give God the glory and praise in all things, everyday!
May God Bless! Amen!
Ma Betty