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except for maybe my kids. I know it's just all about business these days-$$$$ With the acquisition of Fisher, First Texas is kinda rebranding their BH machines. Granted Fisher was apparently financially in bad times but the general trend for all digital machines leaves a bit to be desired for me. With machines like the CoinStrike, Edge, F-75, F-4 and now the F2-a user will end up digging a lot of trash in general compared to machines that place a target in a general conductivity category like a CZ does. I know everyone out there has their own opinion about their machines and the trash issue (especially bottlecaps). There are some rather ingenious ways some of you guys out there have figured out to reduce this problem with most of these machines but my point is efficiency for the amount time spent and necessary digging in today's modern world like Tom Dankowski discusses especially in one of his Fisher Intelligence articles. For those of you that have the time, patience, and will to dig everything above iron-more power to you. I find the digital machines to be much more susceptible to electrical interference as well which makes it tough hunting around old house sites that I mainly search with active powerlines. I'd really like to see a high end target ID(digital or analog) machine with icons versus all these annoying to me bouncing numbers and often tones too...just a bit too busy on the ears and eyes for me...JHMO...HH