I like having the full voltage. IE: 1.5 volts per cell.
When used in the ace 250, this is 6 volts vs 4.8 volts
for the rechargables. I've never really tested to compare
the performance, but being I can tell the difference
between brand new alki's, vs half discharged alki's,
I think there is probably a difference. I change mine
pretty often. Once I drop one bar, I'll use it a good
bit more, but I usually swap new ones in before it drops
two bars. I get them cheap at a dollar store so it's no
big deal as far as cost. Some brands I get 4 for a buck.
Some brands like the "eveready gold" I get two for a buck.
Those eveready golds seem to work pretty well in the 250.
But I've tried quite a few brands. Most all do ok.
My pinpointer uses the 9v cells, and I get them at the
dollar store also, two for a buck. As an extra note, I
also got my "LED headlights" at the dollar store. They
are LED lamps with clip on ends. They are even yellow
to match the ace 250..
They clip on my armband and
light up my display, and also the ground below me. I use
two side by side if I want it bright. They run off those
little lithium cells like you use in watches.