Yesterday! I still have no idea how it gets to Germany 2 weeks before it gets to RI & does KellyCo think they can fool everyone with a different name on a catalog??
Anyhow, I was glad to see my story got to be their color story. Don-Jersey, I had forgotten I gave you a little plug about searching cart roads....did you catch that? Looks like my Edge ad run has ended as I noticed a new Gold Bug ad designed by First Texas. They did a little modernizing of the "wings" logo & I kinda like it. Would really like to see that new logo on a new Fisher machine designed by Dave Johnson Lets hope.....
Anyhow, I was glad to see my story got to be their color story. Don-Jersey, I had forgotten I gave you a little plug about searching cart roads....did you catch that? Looks like my Edge ad run has ended as I noticed a new Gold Bug ad designed by First Texas. They did a little modernizing of the "wings" logo & I kinda like it. Would really like to see that new logo on a new Fisher machine designed by Dave Johnson Lets hope.....