Remember at the starting of the summer,A friend of mine wanted to start M/Ding with me and bought a new 1350 Garrett.Well we went one time about one hour.He came to my house today and wanted me to buy it(1350 M/D)The only time he used it was when we went together,One hour.I told him we could put it on E-Bay and sell it.He said to me,Why not you just gave $300.00 for all my stuff.I told him he could get more then that on E-Bay.He didn't want to monkey with E-Bay,So guess what,I give $300.00 for all his stuff,a Automax Precision V2 pinpointer,A DD14 coil and all his stuff.Now I will be using a Garrett 1350.Now I will try to sell my Garrett 1200 on E-Bay.Damn life is good
Ya'll have fun now
Ya'll have fun now