I hit the bar again... I am dumbfounded... I got exactly 100 coins..stopped as my back was killing me and was starving... I have no clue what I have found other then a parkway token and some mickey mouse type token.. the coins were so dang dirty that right now they are all in the tumber getting a bath...I dont know if I have silver ( will be shocked if so) or if I have a wheatie ( havent found one yet) so once the bath is done..I will post em.... but I am proud of my sorry ole self....I did it..made one goal...100 coins in one day..it only took me 4 hrs.... but I had a ball....and I used only my M6.... am pleased even if it all turns out to be regular clad...soon to be the clad queen.... but sooner or later I will get the silver coins and other goodies that you all find.... so stay tuned for my pictures after their bath...
dig it.. dig it..
