...why,you might ask?WELL,I WILL TELL YA:i found one that has 0% for a year on ALL transfers and purchases-GUARANTEED IN WRITING!!!
My old one was almost14%
So;I called them today-told them to cancel me RIGHT NOW!!!!.....they werent too happy about it, either...:sad:This means i will have it almost paid off by the end of the year

I have got a nephew;I love him dearly;however;--he is in his mid-20s;AND IS OVER$40,000 IN HOCK TO THEM!!! 
Just imagine trying to tame THAT interest monster!!!
My wife transferred hers to the same kind of one I got,too-TOO good to pass up... NOW,TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT;ABOUT THAT FORUM HUNT IN KALAMAZOO...Will there be access to capming facilities so I can bring my camper;or should I make hotel reservations??What about a group Sunday worship service??My wife told me she thought I should go this year-SO,,, Im planning on it,AND looking forward to it,let me tell ya....