Well, the weather was nice enough to get out today but, it was cold early on then luckily warmed up.
Headed off to a spot I had been looking at on my way to another destination.
What a fantastic place to hunt and glad to have my friend hunting along side.
Did not cover it all (just kinda skipped around) and I will probably head back Sun. or Mon or possible tomorrow if the weather is ok.
Anyways, I walked away with 2 IH's a very nice 65, a decent 81, 4 wheaties, a 46 Roosie and skeleton Key and the biggie a 10K class ring.
My friend didn't quite have the same day as he got quite a few older wheaties but, maybe next time will be his day. I think he is excited as me to get back there.
Personally I was ready to pitch a tent but, well we had to get back to other things.
Hope everyone else had a nice day as well.
Edited for better pic of 65!
Headed off to a spot I had been looking at on my way to another destination.
What a fantastic place to hunt and glad to have my friend hunting along side.
Did not cover it all (just kinda skipped around) and I will probably head back Sun. or Mon or possible tomorrow if the weather is ok.
Anyways, I walked away with 2 IH's a very nice 65, a decent 81, 4 wheaties, a 46 Roosie and skeleton Key and the biggie a 10K class ring.
My friend didn't quite have the same day as he got quite a few older wheaties but, maybe next time will be his day. I think he is excited as me to get back there.
Personally I was ready to pitch a tent but, well we had to get back to other things.
Hope everyone else had a nice day as well.
Edited for better pic of 65!