Yesterday, I was at a park that has a school on one side of it. It was getting late, and I hadn't found much at the park, just a few clad coins. I told my wife, "I'll just make a quick run through the school playground on the way back to the car". I was going around the swings, and I got a signal with a VDI no. of 92, and it said $1 on the screen. About 2" down in the wood chips, I found this 1923 silver peace dollar. I was pretty excited. At first I thought it was a 1928 peace dollar, which probably would have been worth about 3 or 4 hundred dollars. There were a lot more 1923 peace dollars made, so it is probably only worth about 40 or 50 dollars. I found it with my MXT Pro, but with this one I don't think it would have mattered which detector I was using. I can't believe the streak of luck that I've been having lately. I never thought that I would find something like this in the wood chips on a school playground.