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I went to the park that was supposed to have been a civil war era button factory in the past. if there are any buttons there i sure as hell didn't find any. i did pretty good considering that i had to deal with off and on drizzle but it was warm enough not to be uncomfortable. my shoulders and arms arent even numb from swinging the explorer because i left it in the truck. i gotta tell ya that this minelab xterra is only 2.9 lbs and i could hunt all day long with this booger if i had remembered to pack a lunch. anyway here are my finds for the day to include the prettiest dime i ever have ever seen come out of the ground. an 1862 seated dime that was lodged between a bunch of tree roots. i had such a hard time getting to it i almost gave up on this one. as you can see I did bang up one of the rosie dimes[attachment 11823 Picture035Standarde-mailview.jpg][attachment 11824 Picture037Standarde-mailview.jpg]