First-time poster here and from what I've been reading in these forums thus far, it has been enlightening and educational. I have a non-working CUE Electronics (Compass), a Tymex Tools Descriminator, and a Radio Shack cheapo wannabe MD. I've been trying to repair the CUE despite replacing IC chips and such with no success yet.
Just a few weeks ago a friend was cleaning out his attic and offered to sell me an Ultra GTA 500 w/ elliptical Crossfire coil for a mere $5.00!! Of course I couldn't get my wallet out fast enough! Everything seems to work except for no audio to the headphones. The display indicates a find, but no audio at all. Both AA battery holders have end-caps that are slightly broken away and need replaced or repaired to assure good electrical contact. I know this is an older model and I would like to obtain a schematic diagram of it. I have an extensive electronics/repair background and can perform my own troubleshooting/repairs, but having some service literature to go by would be helpful. Does anyone know of a website that offers either a schematic / service literature either for free or at a small cost? Are there any performance mods/enhancements published on this model? My web surfing hasn't turned up anything other than a user's guide and some product reviews. I'm eager to treasure hunt with this apparently decent product. Thank you.
Just a few weeks ago a friend was cleaning out his attic and offered to sell me an Ultra GTA 500 w/ elliptical Crossfire coil for a mere $5.00!! Of course I couldn't get my wallet out fast enough! Everything seems to work except for no audio to the headphones. The display indicates a find, but no audio at all. Both AA battery holders have end-caps that are slightly broken away and need replaced or repaired to assure good electrical contact. I know this is an older model and I would like to obtain a schematic diagram of it. I have an extensive electronics/repair background and can perform my own troubleshooting/repairs, but having some service literature to go by would be helpful. Does anyone know of a website that offers either a schematic / service literature either for free or at a small cost? Are there any performance mods/enhancements published on this model? My web surfing hasn't turned up anything other than a user's guide and some product reviews. I'm eager to treasure hunt with this apparently decent product. Thank you.