...I went last night and seen my co-worker at the funeral home that had died last Wednesday...I was under the mistaken assumption that a lot of my co-workers that knew and worked with him would be there;and mentioned it to his widow...she told me I was only the 2nd one from our shop that showed up for this one-day showing-The showing started at 2:00 and went to 8-I got there a little after 6...One guy I asked if he was going said"NOPE-TOO FAR!"...Tell me something:how far is too far when death is involved??I have just about had my fill of all these self-centered sacks of crap in the world that have the attitude"IF IT DIDNT HAPPEN TO ME OR MINE,IT DOESNT CONCERN ME"...I almost wish it was ME that passed on;so I wouldnt have to deal with all the people that dont give a darn for anything but their own sorry arses-I find it hard to even pray for these people..PLEASE,brothers and sisters-Make a difference in your world-DONT forget your work of the LORD...My co-worker's widow -AND SON-thanked me over and over for coming-His son was having a bad time-I told him dont worry about your dad-he's not suffering now.