I am back in Jacksonville and on the final part of my testing on this black sand beach I been working. My final test was to put the coil in the salt water. Here at this beach and in Daytona due to the small flat pieces of iron about 1/16" thick from the size of 1/4" by 1/4" and smaller the f75 would false all over the place and was a pain in the butt in Dis. mode so I just hunted in all metal G/B to 0+3 clicks up and could go right up to the waters edge yet, I did not get the coil wet. On the small pieces of iron and the larger pieces the machine would make a Ba-Da and a Baahhh sound in all metal. Good targets would make a zip zip sound every time which I consider excellent on this black sand beach. I really spent some time trying every trick I have learned in 20 years water hunting and nothing I could do would make the Dis. work right. Hell my Fishers won't even G/B here and my M/L you have to run down around 24 with the larger coils and 12 O'Clock with the Excal. The other thing for some reason the coin line rings and good targets are always 8 to 12 to 14" down. A min. of 8" all the time. Anyway on the final test I submerged the coil about 4 to 6 "s and it really started to false and over load then stayed in overload all the time. Took the F75 back to the truck and pulled the coil out of shaft dried it off and set it on the dash to dry out. Took the X70 and finished out the hunt. Came back to truck and checked the bottom of the coil and salt water had run out on the dash and was on the left hand inboard side of the coil all the way to the back and around 1/4 of the way up the right hand side on the inboard edge. The other problem with the machine was it would not return to the setting that i put in when turned off and on. I could live with that. So with that all said I will add this Don't even think about putting your coil in the water with out sealing it. You can bet your butt when I get my new F75 machine the very first thing I do will be to put my own seal job on the damn coil. I sealed up my X70 5X10 and my Joey 5X10 and use them in the water all the time. They have the waterproof connectors but the tell you not to use them in the water well that is B.S. just put a super seal job on them and go for it. BTW I called First Texas and they said the coil was water proof . and that is what my manual says also. Wrong answer. What I am trying to say is if I were you guys, a word to the wise, seal up your coil. Now I got a dead machine. I will say that in the all metal mode the F75 worked almost as good as my Fishers and Explorer. However the All Metal ID on this Black sand beach was not very accurate but was workable. I really did not pay much attention to the ID since it was not all that reliable here or in Daytona Beach. It was the Zip Zips I dug after I figured out the Iron bits and pieces thing. Daytona had the same problems. I will say the depth in all metal was on a equal with my Fishers and my M/L's. OK Seal them up Boy's cause ain't no sense in depending on the COIL IS WATERPROOF B.S. . So save your self the hassle and seal it up. They should have filled the bottom of the coil with that black epoxy they fill the M/L's and the Troy Shadow's with. OK sorry about the negative post guys but this something you need to know and something you need to do. . Had a real good time at the Daytona Shootout helping Ron at his booth and talking with all the Guys and Ladies. : : HH Later Jerry aka Tinfoil